FFS Commissary and DFAC Tour
Participants of the Federal Food Symposium will have the opportunity to tour:
- one of the two commissaries on Fort Liberty. Monthly sales of the very large commissaries on Fort Liberty, which include a North Carolina products section, typically exceed million. This tour will provide insight into the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) processes for receiving, displaying and selling fresh and packaged foods to active duty and retired military and their families.
- one troop feeding Dining Facility on Fort Liberty. This tour will orient participants to Army processes for ordering, receiving and preparing food for 50,000 soldiers that work on Fort Liberty every day. The tour – and other FFS sessions that address DLA Subsistence contracting – will provide insight to attendees on opportunities to introduce products to the troop feeding supply chain.
When. April 1, 2025. Timing information will be provided shortly.
In order to participate you must select the tour option during the registration process. Bus transportation will be provided to participants and is limited to the first 40 RSVPs on the event registration.